“Clean Enough” is Enough

As a new stay at home mom I find myself with a lot of mom guilt. My job is to stay at home, keep the house clean and of course keep the baby alive. I’ve decided to try this new thing called not giving a shit. There’s no reason to stress out if there’s a few dishes in the sink when I go to bed (like, is the house really going to collapse?), or if the trash didn’t get taken out that day, or if the recycling didn’t get bagged up. I do what I can do during the day all while enjoying my precious little girl. Getting those extra cuddles or few minutes of play time is something that I’ll never get back. I’m sick of thinking that it was more important to get all of this dishes done so I put her in her bouncer and losing time and memories.

I do what I can while she naps and that’s it. I’m not going to miss out on the early years because I want a spotless house. I will settle for clean enough.

She is my world and I want to treasure every minute of it.